Saturday, April 5, 2008

How To Select Search Engine Keywords

Search engines are by far the best way to drive potential customers to your websites. But to drive those potential customers to your site you need to provide them with signs to direct them to your site. To do this you need to select some carefully chosen keywords.

Finding the right keywords and you can have tons of traffic pouring into your website. However, if you’re keywords are too general or has too much competition then your number of visitors that make it to your site can decrease dramatically.

No matter how good your website or your product is, without having great keywords that you have chosen with great precision, then your website or product will be of no use. Your keywords play a very high role in your marketing strategy.

The best way to find the right keywords is to look at it from the view of your customers. Otherwise, it can be hard to be objective if you are looking at it from the business side. You need to be able to think like your customers.

A good way to start of is to actually ask your customers. Ask for words and phrases from as many potential customers as you can. You will quite possibly find that many of the words or phrases that your customers come up with will be words and phrases that you hadn’t even thought of yourself.

Once you have a list of keywords and phrases from your customers, and then add your own keywords to the list. Then once you have your completed list you will need to evaluate your keywords.

The reason you need to sit down and evaluate your list is to narrow down the list to a reasonably small number of keywords and phrases that will be likely to direct the highest number of good quality visitors to your site. Having lots of traffic coming through your website is no good if the quality of the visitors is not high. With low quality visitors you are not likely to make many sales. You need to have good quality, targeted visitors who are much more likely to make a purchase.

Popularity is one of the ways to evaluate your keywords. The more popular the keyword then the more often you will have potential customers typing that keyword into the search engine.

However popular keywords may also have a great deal of competition so your website may rank quite lowly for that keyword and will therefore not receive that many visitors.

Popularity is good, but it isn’t enough. You also need your keywords to be specific. The more specific your keyword is to your product, then the more likely that a potential customer can find your site. Also the more specific your keyword is then the more likely that your potential customer is a good quality, targeted customer.

The last factor to take into account when evaluation your keywords is motivation. Once again you will need to think like your customer. Try to think about what it is that would motivate someone to search for your product and what keywords they would search for. You don’t want a ton of visitors that are just browsing and very unlikely to purchase, so stay away from keywords that you think will attract browsers. Use good motivational keywords that will attract the customers that know what they are looking for and have already decided what they want, now they just need to make they purchase. This is the motivation that you are looking for and that will give you targeted visitors and many sales.

Once you have your keywords selected, you will need to continue to evaluate your keywords. If you aren’t seeing the results you want then re-evaluate and possibly choose some new keywords. Trends are always changing and so to is the way people talk or the lingo they use, so always keep that in mind and keep updated with your keywords and phrases.

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